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Heat without fire with Chard ICT-2 induction cooktop [Review]

If you are new to induction technology and you are looking forward to experience this new way of cooking but you are rather reserved, you can begin testing this new device with induction heating by purchasing a portable single induction cooktop like Chard ICT-2. In this way, you …

Cadco BIR-1C, an elegant way to induction cooking [Review]

Everyday cooking routines can be overwhelming for those who have a busy schedule, are constantly on the run and barely have time to see their family. Even so, a healthy nutrition is essential for a busy person, which is why a solution must be found to cook easily …

Fagor IFA90AL vs Fagor IFA90BF 36″ Induction Cooktops

What we have here is a couple of large induction cooktops, 36” in size, to be more precise. Yes, it is another comparison. Seemingly, there is no significant difference between the two cooktops. They are both large, five-element induction devices with similar designs and identical features. Nevertheless, what …

Eco-friendly Style with Tru Eco Energy Efficient Induction Cooker

Being eco-friendly is becoming more and more important. It is about changing the purpose of how we choose to live. This cooktop is eco-friendly because it promotes green living that helps you conservate energy, water (it can be easily cleaned) and pollution. Because the fact that it is …

Tatung TICT-1500TW vs. Tatung TICT-1502MU2 Portable Induction Cooktops

When it comes to induction cooking, there are plenty of factors that can influence your buying decision. We all want induction cooktops to be safe, stylish and to have advanced temperature control features. Today’s article is a comparison between two products of the same manufacturer: Tatung TICT-1500W and …